CatLABS released X Film ISO 100 Color 120 Medium Format film

US based CatLABS has released a 100-ISO colour film for 120 Medium Format cameras.

CatLABS X Film 100 Color 120 film

Catlabs describes this film as:

"A unique color film emulsion offering superb sharpness, soft tones and a beautiful vivid color palate. CatLABS X FILM 100 Color is characterized by its distinct color coupler structure (AKA grain), contrast and tonal range, not found with other currently available films.

CatLABS X FILM 100 Color should be processed as a standard C41 film for superb color negatives.

It may also be processed in E6 chemistry for intense contrast "positive" slide film."

CatLABS X Film 100 Color 120 film

From that description we suspect that it is a rebadged Kodak Aerocolor IV film simalr to films such as Santa Colour 100, Washi X & Flic Film Electra 100. The good news there are no versions of these films available for a medium format cameras so CatLabs is a very welcome addition.

CatLABS releases X Film 100 Color 120 film

Currently CatLabs X Film 100 is only available in the USA directly at CatLabs website as well as other dealers such as B&H.

We are looking at a possibility of stocking CatLabs films in our store in a near future. We will let you know if this happens ASAP.

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