Fuji Film Superia 400 Discontinued!

We have received a terrible notification from our supplier, the Fuji Film Superia 400 (36 exposures) has been discontinued with immediate effect! We have previously mentioned the possibility of this circumstance happening in the future in a past blog. The last shipment of Fuji Film Superia 400 was in early March 2023.

fujifilm superia

The Fuji Film Superia 400 it featured a medium-sized grain, known for its sharpness and a unique colour palatte.

But with an end of line of Fuji Film Superia 400 comes a beginning of a new film, the FUJIFILM 400!

If the rumours are correct, Fujifilm 400 could be made in USA instead of Japan.

We will keep you updated for any news on this Fujifilm stock and availability!

Alternative 400 ISO film stocks available at Stuck in Film:
Kodak Portra 400 and Kodak Ultramax 400

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