Ilford Launches Kentmere 100 & 400 films in 120 Medium format

 Today Harman Technology Ltd who owns both Ilford and Kentmere brands announced the Kentmere Pan 100 & 400 in Medium format.

Kentmere Pan 100 is a medium speed, ISO 100 panchromatic black & white film with fine grain and good sharpness. It has a broad tonal range with ‘medium’ contrast and a wide, forgiving exposure latitude. Compared to Kentmere PAN 400, this film is slower with finer grain, and a touch more contrast.

ilford kentmere 100 ilford kentmere 100
© Matt Perry

Kentmere Pan 400 has classic looking grain with good sharpness, tones, and pleasing contrast. It also has a wide and forgiving exposure latitude with excellent ‘push’ characteristics. Compared to Kentmere Pan 100, this is a faster film with more noticeable grain, a touch less contrast and better latitude for pushing.

Ilford Kentmere 400
© Craig Fleming Photo

Both films are manufactured from start to finish at the HARMAN site in Mobberley, Cheshire, UK and, undergo the same quality assurance processes as all ILFORD films.

First Kentmere products were released back in 2009 and were a great choice for students or photographers on the budget. The 35mm films are well known for their versatility and latitude.

Both films are available for order through our shop.

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