Kodak to raise prices in 2023

Kodak is set to raise prices for film in 2023.

The report comes from the several sources such as Digital Camera Info (in Japanese) & Kosmo Foto articles.

According to Digital Camera Info Kodak increased their prices for film in Japan by 20-40% depending on the film stock. The price hike includes both 35mm, Medium & Large format Film. The price increase came into effect on 16th January. 

Here is a quick example of the prices.

EKTAR 100 120 (5) ¥16,330 - which is equals to about £101.50 at the current conversion rate.

EKTAR 100 135-36 ¥3,410

PORTRA 160 120 (5) ¥16,540

PORTRA 160 135-36 (5) ¥16,380

PORTRA 160 4x5 (10) ¥16,730

PORTRA 400 120 (5) ¥18,190

PORTRA 400 135-36 (5) ¥18,800

PORTRA 400 4x5 (10) ¥21,810

PORTRA 800 135-36 ¥4,190

PORTRA 800 120 (5) ¥22,140

ULTRA MAX 400 135-36 ¥2,100

According to the online chatter Kodak film in Japan was always expensive however this is nerve breaking. To confirm, one of the biggest photographic dealers in Japan Yodobashi Cameras lists Kodak film at the above prices.

Now according to Kosmo photo which is based in the UK, Kodak Alaris announced a price increase in the UK which will take an effect in March 2023. This will apply to all film stocks with a range between 10-25% with overall average of 17%.

The good news is that consumer films such as Kodak UltraMax and Kodak Gold will see lower rises compared to professional film such as Kodak Portra. 

At this stage, we haven't received any communication from the Kodak film suppliers in the UK confirming the price increase but we will update you if this happens. While we expect to see a certain price increase due to a high inflation last year as well as current economic climate, we don't expect a 40% increase (like in Japan) but more of a 10-20% depending on the film stock.

Stay tuned we will update you as soon as we have any confirmation.

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