New Pentax Half Frame coming this Summer

With the goal of bringing a new generation into film photography, PENTAX has announced their new project – a half-frame 35mm film camera that has a lens inspired by the Pentax Espio and the IQ series.

Product Planner Takeo Suzuku, also known as TKO, shares in the video released in the Pentax Film Project's Youtube channel the challenges behind this release. During the research stage, they went through the procurement of the camera parts, skills and production of the film camera, the film manufacturing status, and the distribution within Japan and over the world. But the goal was clear from the start: to attract new and younger photographers into using film cameras.

Regardless of the challenges encountered, the team was encouraged to proceed with this project after researching, and reaching out to industry partners and film camera enthusiasts from over the world for suggestions and opinions. In the beginning of the video, TKO shared – "We wondered over and again whether we should proceed with this project and whether it would be possible for us to develop the product we intended to. It was your support and advice that helped us regain our confidence and encouraged us to move on. We are very thankful for this."

The main objective was to create a new film camera that allowed new photographers to enter the world of analog photography. To achieve this, the camera is designed for vertical-format photos, mimicking today's reality where most of the pictures taken with phones are captured vertically. This format is to appeal the younger photographers to exchange photos developed from film to digital data, creating a bridge where analog photography is easily shared through social media, and can be stored in cloud platforms.

Another reason why they chose the vertical format was to double the number of photos. Since the format takes up half of the size of the conventional image area, it doubles the number of photos that can be taken – with the new PENTAX film camera, you can capture 48 photos on a roll of 24-exposure film, or 72 photos in a 36-exposure film. This aspect will also keep the cost down and attract the younger generation into shooting with film.


TKO also discussed the creative advantages that will bring the vertical format. "You can lay out two vertical-format photos side by side on the space of a single 35mm-format image. This provides a tremendous advantage by placing two photos together in a single image. You can create a work of art that can better tell a concept, or a story. I expect that this will stimulate the creativity of younger photographers and inspire them to capture beautiful photos and produce fine works of art."

The camera will include an automatic control of aperture and shutter speed that will provide an effortless experience, even for first-timers. Another feature that the Product Planner TKO revealed in the video is the zone focusing option, which will allow the user to set the desired focus range based on the distance.

The project was first announced in December 2022 and is expected to be available in summer of 2024. Many film camera aficionados have shared their thoughts about this project, stating that although it is not designed for the experienced photographers, it is exciting that this new PENTAX Film Camera will surely bring younger photographers into the analog camera lifestyle. Moreover, this is the start of PENTAX in the modern film market and we can't wait to see what will be next!

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