Atlanta Film Co. Released a Color Reversal Cine Film Euphoric in 35mm

US based company Atlanta Film Co. announced a release of a motion picture film for photographers under the name Euphoric 100.

Euphoric 100 is based on Eastman Kodak Coluor Reversal Film 5294/7294 and is hand rolled in to 35mm cassettes by the company.

Zendaya Kodak Ektachrome

This motion picture film became popular as it was used to film a second season of a popular HBO Show Euphoria. The director used Kodak’s EKTACHROME and VISION3 500T motion film stocks.

The film offers saturated colors while maintaining neutral skin tones. It is recommended to shoot at 100 ISO in daylight and ISO 25 tungsten with an 80A daylight balancing filter.


The company removed a remjet layer from the film and recommends to use the E6 process for its development.

The film is available for order now on the Atlanta Film Co. website at $13.49 per roll plus vat/tax and shipping.


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