Stuck in Film Community Showcase November 2023

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Another month, another Stuck in Film community showcase for you film shooters. Right in time for Black Friday! If you haven't spent all your money yet then stay tuned for our sale that starts later this week! There are some good discounts in there! So check our website on Thursday for more info.

If you would like to participate in the next month showcase please email us your photos with a small description of film & equipment used as well as the story behind the photographs. Also don't forget to include your social media handles so we can include them in the post. Otherwise DM us on instagram

Let's start with Sotiria Dymiotis and her collection of photographs called "Postcards from Australia". What a beautiful collection and we would love to travel there one day. She uses Olympus OM-10 which is wonderful 35mm camera, small and light with great selection of Zuiko lenses. Her favourite films are Fujifilm Superia 400 (hopefully it will be back in stock one day), Kodak Gold 200 & Kodak Pro Image 100.

You can check more of her work on Instagram @filmbysoteria

Sotiriya DymiotisSotiriya DymiotisSotiriya DymiotisSotiriya Dymiotis

From Australia straight to Chamonix Mont Blanc with Aaron McCreight. A bit chilly but so beautiful! Aaron is using a classic Canon AE-1 with a standard FD 50mm f/1.8 lens. What a combo, so simple and such great results! He also shoots a positive film Kodak Ektachrome E100 which is hard to master but so addictive. Once you go slides it is very hard to go back.

Check out more of Aaron's travels on his instagram @the.ginger.lensman

Aaron McCreight Kodak E100 35mm film

Aaron McCreight Kodak E100 35mm filmAaron McCreight Kodak E100 35mm film

And now we are back to London as well as other places with Felicity Gan, it's a bit warmer than the snowy mountains. Felicity uses the Pentax K1000 as her 35mm film camera as well as Rolleiflex 3.5F for her medium format. Guess which shot with which camera? With regards to the film choices, on 35mm it's Kodak with all it's great varieties from Portra 400 to ColorPlus 200. For medium format it is bit different, the Fujifilm Pro 400H takes the stand with it's great pastel rendering. We hope Fujifilm will bring it back at some point before our "for personal use" stash runs out.

You can find Felicity @projectartz12

Felicity Gan
Felicity Gan

Felicity Gan

Next one up we have CaseyJo Rudd with some wonderful photographs taken with expired film and Konica MT-100 & Canon EOS 500 cameras. If you haven't shot expired film yet, you've got to try as it may give you a very interesting as well as unexpected results.

You can follow CaseyJo at @caseyjo_artstuff



And the last but not least we have Mathon Loïc with some amazing shots from Mountains to City landscapes captured on his Minolta SR-T 101 and Olympus Trip 35 cameras and a variety of stocks. Guess which one is Cinestill 800T?

Follow Mathon as we do on his IG

Mathon LoïcMathon LoïcMathon LoïcMathon Loïc
Mathon Loïc

Thanks to everyone for participating in this month showcase and join us in December for new Community Showcase, the photographs taken by YOU with the analog film YOU love!

In the meantime for more Community created content follow us on Instagram where we proudly share your photography with the world.

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Debbie M

Thank you for the wonderful photographs, looking forward to the next one!

Debbie M
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